Our team worked together as a group to collaboratively create an action plan to solve the scenario. Each of us had different backgrounds and areas of expertise. Having this allowed us to share knowledge with each other and devise a plan that was technology driven and student centered. We used interactive sites, presentation tools, discussion boards, podcast and many other Web 2.0 tools. In Web 2.0 New Tools, New Schools; the authors discuss the use of digital storytelling and podcast to help teachers integrate technology into lessons. Our activities allowed student assessment with the creation of the learning activities. Our lessons were based on UDL’s. We researched the activities to make sure we included teacher professional development and to ensure that the activities would meet the needs of the diverse group of learners. We provided accommodations for student supports.
Our group’s project was over third grade grammar I provided information on for pronouns. I chose interactive sites, discussion boards, and power points. "Games and simulation, for example, allow teachers and students to get near-instantaneous feedback during the learning process, allowing for immediate redirection or correction of misconceptions (Pitler)." By having discussion boards and Podcasts this allowed students to visually have a feel for what others were thinking. It also allowed others to communicate with each other by collaborating.
Our group worked with Google sites, Google docs to insert our project action plan and samples of student works. The sites are https://sites.google.com/site/edld5364groupproject7/technology-based-learning-activities and https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vprzDpj_1PTsDALmVobEW8Qoyc5Epd8b-fvz36Qj7xU/edit?pli=1 What I gained from the class was that it is possible to work as a group to complete one common goal. You do not have to physically be with your group for this to become possible. With the use of online tools you can work cooperatively and collaboratively to solve problems and come up with solutions. I also learned that using Google Docs and Sites as a group you can create, edit, share. I had a great experience working with my team members. We accomplished our goal and put forth much effort to be successful with our grammar lesson. I learned the value of sharing information with individuals through the use of web 2.0 tools.
I also learned how to create eBooks and UDL’s through the CAST ebsite http://bookbuilder.cast.org/ and http://lessonbuilder.cast.org/. These sites were very informative as they provided tutorials on how to create eBooks and develop lesson plans, as well as provide several examples for the educator to reference. The strategies I learned from these sites will help me develop future lessons that will work with diverse learners and possible individualize those lessons.
Through this class I have gained knowledge and experience of various technology tools used for working cooperatively and collaboratively as a group. I watched many videos on how to create student centered learning environments and seeing them in action. The discussion boards taught were a great resource tool. I was able to communicate and share with my colleagues on various topics. I was able to grow more knowledgably from the readings and videos to integrate technology within my classroom. I shared my learning experiences with my co-workers and let informed them of various tools we can share with our students. I learned about many free tools and resources available to educators to help them accomplish student engagement and achievement.
Working in the field of instructional technology I feel that I need to stay up to date with what's happening in education. I teach teachers the uses of technology and how to incorporate it into their daily lessons. I will continue to do research and learn more about the different technology Web 2.0 tools and social networking available for K-12 classrooms and beyond. I gained knowledge on blogs and e-portfolios which I have been using with Lamar University, and how it is a tool to help me determine my effort levels as well as an environment to store archives and get feedback from professors. In one of the readings there was a quote: “Technological tools make it easier for a teacher to provide every student with multiple options for expression.” I found this to be true for me as a student and as an educator. The more we allow students to use technology the easier it will be for students to express themselves in a learning environment. By integrating technology all students can benefit from the enhanced lessons.
Solomon, G., Schrum, L. (2007) Web 2.0 New Tools, New Schools. International Society for Technology in Education
Pitler, H., Hubbell, E.R., Kuhn, M., Malenoski, K. (2007) Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
David H. Rose & Anne Meyer (2002). Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Retrieved on 3/15/11 from http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/